Newsom vetoed illegals housing bill

Hey even a broken clock has the time right at least twice in a 24 hour period so for years now I've waited to say that finally low life California failed Governor Gavin Newsom did something which I can say is right... Looks like he has vetoed a Democrat-led bill Friday 9/6/24 that would have allowed illegal immigrants in California to apply for the state’s first-time home buyers assistance program. Folks let this sink in! See a bit of a backstory on myself here... IN 2018 I lost my home while being a US Citizen this meant nothing to them and did nothing to help me.. Actually the Banks made my life a living nightmare and all due to mortgage issues which were hidden from me from the BANKS!

My house I had paid for in 2000 but my credit was bad for the house Mortgage was under my mothers Credit which was awesome! She passed in 2016 and while I was on the DEED I wasn't on the Mortgage and it took em 6 months to add me after she passed and by then I was told the mortgage had gone up 4 months before my mom died but nobody knew so we kept paying the old lower bill. So by the time I got added and was able to take over the house mortgage I was disclosed all the info and they told me we owed them THOUSANDS which I didn't have! So while nobody would help not even family, I was forced to sell my home to avoid losing it. And to think these Libtards wanted to give illegals a path to buy a home with "STATE BACKED HOME OWNERSHIP Loans and Payment Assistance!" This should anger anyone who lost a home and banks and states did nothing to help you like myself... These liberals are so bent on destroying the Citizens and bringing in these illegals who are CRIMINALS! Remember I was forced out of my home of 16 years and the entire home at the time was valued at $140K LESS than what they wanna give illegals now!

The legislation, if signed into law, would have made illegal immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in state-backed home ownership loans or down-payment assistance. The shared appreciation loan program, called California Dream for All, is funded by the state and run by the California Housing Finance Agency. Both chambers of the Democrat-controlled California legislature passed the measure last week, but Newsom rejected it over funding concerns. “This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status,” Newsom wrote in his veto message. “Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.” LMAO "ensure we manage our resources effectively." That's a first! About time he did something to help the state I mean for crying out loud his state has become a joke under he and Nasty Pelosi living there and in office.

“For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill,” he concluded. Good move there and for that I will not call you NewScum for the rest of this post... Starting NOW! So this bill drew a wave of public pressure from conservative outlets and figures, like Fox News and Elon Musk. It also received push back from California senate Republicans, all nine of whom urged Newsom in a letter to veto the newly passed measure because it would, in part, enable the state’s home buyers assistance program to prioritize illegal immigrants over veterans and other US Citizens like myself. “Such good news! Governor Newsom listened to our calls and rightfully VETOED the bill to give illegal immigrants free home loans,” Republican senate minority leader Brian Jones said in a statement reacting to the veto. He denounced the bill as “insulting and unfair” for Californian citizens.

While state Republicans applauded Newsom for striking down the measure, which would have burdened the state budget, Democratic lawmakers were disappointed by the news. I say SCREW Them if they're disappointed... “I’m deeply disappointed that Governor Newsom today vetoed Assembly Bill 1840. The bill had won wide support in the Assembly and passed the Senate to get to his desk,” said Democratic state representative Joaquin Arambula, who introduced the bill. Shockingly Joaquin Arambula is from a Mexican family and he loves to peddle to illegals. His dad Juan is from Mexican parents while he was born in Texas himself. Juan the father left the Democrats and is now independant for years due to him not being in line with the agendas he saw from them years ago and saw how messed up the party was getting. His son is still stuck on stupid and has become nothing but a Radical idiotic Demoncrap.

“AB 1840 simply sought to clarify language in the existing California Dream for All program to make it clear that undocumented immigrants can apply,” he added. “The fact is, right now, anyone can apply who is a first-time homebuyer who can meet the program’s financial requirements that include securing a bank loan or mortgage. As I’ve said before, the bill is not about immigrant policies or the housing crisis. No single bill can solve those issues.” "undocumented immigrants" should NOT be here as they're ILLEGALS without Documents! Why would you give them a loan, housing, and all this crap if NOT to keep the border open and have more come here to get their free stuff? Hey keep flooding it right leftists? This is how you "Build Back Better" without the current US Citizens getting help and illegals getting it all handed on a platter. These leftists all need to be tarred + feathered and sent to prison.

Established in 2022 as part of the 2022-23 state budget, the California Dream for All program initially received $500 million in funding. The program used $300 million of the allocated funds when it rolled out last year; it blew through the $300 million in eleven days. Not chocking as these liberals blow through our tax money as much as Nancy Pelosi changes her diapers. The governor’s decision comes one day after former president Donald Trump said, if reelected, he would ban illegal immigrants from obtaining home mortgages because the record-high immigration influx is driving up housing costs. This makes more sense... “That’s why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens,” Trump said Thursday, without elaborating on said plan. ONCE more the left needs TRUMP to show them the way... Just like MAMALA Harris and Joey Biden who are now saying "NO TAX ON TIPS" like Trump had been saying. The funny part is THEY added the Tax on Tip which now they threaten they won't remove unless Harris wins? lol

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