BIG WIN For Trump in Georgia Case

Watch this video on the top here it's on now! But this is a good day for Trump as Fulton County judge just tossed out several counts brought against former President my favorite and yours the one and only Mr. Donald J Trump and five others in the case involving an alleged attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. Like asking for a re count means you're trying to "over turn the election" when we saw video of how people stayed late night and after the staff left a few ladies (use that term loosely.) decided to make it known that they would be adding to the count bags full of votes hidden under tables. Now back to the current the order from Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee that states that six of the counts in the 41-count indictment returned by a Fulton County grand jury in August must be quashed.

So of those six counts, Trump was charged with three of them. Now joining Trump in the challenge to the six counts were former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyers John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Ray Stallings Smith and Robert Cheeley. All had already plead not guilty to the charges. Steve Sadow, Trump's lawyer, said the court's decision to "quash" the counts is the correct one. "The ruling is a correct application of the law, as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any alleged wrongdoing on those counts," he said in a statement. "The entire prosecution of President Trump is political, constitutes election interference, and should be dismissed."

Eastman's attorney, Buddy Parker, said in a statement that "the court stated clearly the state failed to provide what exactly in the U.S. and Georgia constitutions the defendants solicited the public figures to violate, a clear error. We await the state's position on its intention in moving forward on the remaining charges." Allyn Stockton, Giuliani's local lawyer, said the quashing of the six counts was expected, as "there simply was not enough detail to put the defendants on notice of what to defend against."

The six counts relate to various alleged attempts to solicit state officials to violate their oaths of office, both to the Georgia Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. The judge wrote that the state failed to specify what those violations were, saying the allegations were "so generic as to compel this Court" to quash the six charges. "The court's concern is less that the state has failed to allege sufficient conduct of the defendants in fact it has alleged an abundance. But, the lack of detail concerning an essential legal element is, in the undersigned's opinion, fatal," wrote McAfee.

The Judge also stated that though the six counts as written contain "all the essential elements of the crimes," they "fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission, i.e. the underlying felony solicited." Additionally, they don't give the defendants enough information to prepare their defenses "intelligently," McAfee wrote, as they could have violated the Georgia and U.S. Constitutions "and thus the statute in dozens, if not hundreds, of distinct ways."

Judge McAfee made it clear that his finding does not mean the entire indictment against Trump and the 14 other co-defendants is dismissed. Instead, he said that Georgia prosecutors can seek a new indictment supplementing the six counts. Trump was charged with 13 counts in the sprawling racketeering case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in August. He has pleaded not guilty. Eighteen others were charged alongside the former president for their roles in an alleged scheme to reverse the results of Georgia's election, but four have since accepted plea deals. But none of those means much to the overall thing because they didn't make any connection to Trump in the plea deals.

Judge McAfee's order comes while he is weighing a separate request from Trump and eight of his co-defendants to disqualify Willis and her office from prosecuting the case because of an alleged improper relationship between Willis and her money spending sugar daddy Nathan Wade, you know the guy who got OVER PAID and took her on expensive trips and than both lied under oath about the relationship, and he was one of the "special" prosecutors working with the district attorney's office.

Wade was hired to work on the that Fani but also to make some $$$ and so she put him on the case involving Trump in November 2021. Michael Roman, alleged in a bombshell filing in January that the relationship with Willis began before Wade's appointment. Roman claimed that the district attorney financially benefited from the relationship, saying Wade paid for numerous getaways using income he received for his work with the district attorney's office. He was waxing on and off on that Fani! Now "Whatchutalking About" Fani Willis and Wade acknowledged in a court filing last month that they were in a romantic relationship, but said it began in early 2022 months after Wade's hiring and ended last summer.

Still, the bid to disqualify Willis and the Fulton County District Attorney's Office from the case set off a series of fiery proceedings before McAfee last month. Willis and Wade separately took the stand to answer questions about their personal lives and financial dealings. They said they split expenses related to their trips and refuted claims of wrongdoing. McAfee is set to rule this week on whether to remove Willis and her office from the case. This Trump prosecution in Fulton County is one of four he is facing in federal and state courts. A trial is set to begin this month in New York City stemming from allegations he falsified business records in connection with a "hush money" payment to suppress damaging information about him before the 2016 presidential election. This is another case of rigging elections as not long ago Trump was even awarded money from Stormy Daniels to pay him for damages, and attorny fees. This is another radical lib trying to rig the election.

He has also been charged in a pair of federal cases brought by special counsel Jack Smith in Wasington, D.C., and South Florida. The D.C. case involves alleged efforts to subvert the transfer of presidential power after the 2020 election, something which clearly DID NOT HAPPEN! But another hit job by these leftists who think saying "PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY Make your voices heard!!" is somehow a call to violence. Mind you these people have Kamila Harris as VP who endorsed that BLM/Antifa burned down buildings and rioted during protests in the "Summer of love 2020" but the facts don't matter only the lib narrative. Oh and Jack also has the Florida case involving the alleged mishandling of sensitive government documents after leaving the White House. While he has as President the right to do so and if he's brought up on charges why not all previous Presidents? Or Hillary Clinton? She had NO RIGHTS to have documents and she not just had them she destroyed evidance and lied under oath. So nothing on them but TRUMP? CHARGES! Gee you think this hit JOB is about the 2024 election yet? 

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and is seeking to delay any trials in the cases until after the November presidential election. He is set to face off against President Biden in a 2020 rematch. This time it's going to be much harder for them to repeat a lot of the rigging from 2020 because "all eyes" are on the election. So all these fake hit jobs are to try and stop him from running because they know the people want him back in office. So remember come November to Vote for the man who has given his all to help us drain the swamp.

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