Possible mistrial in Trump case?

This is possible now that it's been shown that before the verdict on the Trial was announced a FACEBOOK post said that "My Cousin is a Juror and he said TRUMP is getting Convicted." Would be ironic if Fakebook plays a part in this somehow considering how much Zuck Mockenberg or whatever that twats name is paid in 2020 to help rig the last election. Sweet Karma this would be.

Remember this case Judge Marchan is was not in a rotation to hear the case or the other ones against Trump and since he's got a history of sending donations to the BIDEN camp, and his daughter does make money on this trial, and she does give money to the Biden's and other DemonCraps. But knowing all this some how he gets "selected " to hear every Trump and conservative case? This scam needs to be brought to an end. Below is the document which should get this Circus of a case over turned and thrown out with the bloody bathwater. 

The people who belong in prison is the Judge, his Daughter, Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Nathan Wade, Tisha James, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiffty Schiff, Eric Swallowswell and the Nastiest Witch of all! Nasty Nancy Pelosi.

As you can see the post understand the Jury is under an ORDER NOT to speak about the case so if they do and it's found out like this it should be enough to over throw this entire verdict. Something which needs to happen as we all saw Trump is 100% innocent of these charges.

This was always like I said a circus or kangaroo court to get TRUMP thrown out of the election on 2024.

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