Michelle Obama Gas-Lighting the blacks again!

So the artist known as the former first lady Mike... I mean Michelle Obama sent a what could only be described as a racially motivated and gas-lighting message to black Americans that voting in the November elections is “critical” to protecting their “freedom.” This from a man.. Woman who's party which include her husband the guy who was born in Kenya who illegally took the White house and who with the current sock puppet in place in Joe Biden are currently working hard to subvert our freedoms to vote, speak, do our normal lives and above all targeting political rival Donald Trump on a bunch of fake charges to send him to prison like if this was a banana republic 3rd world country. These leftist have some nerve but with the grand cojones this man has Mike said that 
“Juneteenth is all about celebrating our collective freedom and fighting to protect it,” Obama said in a video posted on X. Damn hypocrite and didn't these people all say at one time they hated Elon for buying Twitter or X and would be leaving there? Anyways.

He... She said “Our power, our rights, and even our planet are on the ballot this year,” Obama stated. And I agree for once... But it's because she knows THEY on the left are the ones which are doing the damage and she's telling us this is what they are striving for. They are the ones who want to destroy this country and bring in their Marxist/communist views. But her disgusting behavior and words continued with “So, now is the time to think about how you’re going to make your voice heard in this election.” And here is where it gets funny as this clear desperate message comes as recent polling shows that former President Donald Trump may be on the verge of capturing a historic number of votes from black Americans. Cause people of all walks of life are being RED PILLED and waking up from the leftist, lying sack or shit BLUE pill which has kept them in the MATRIX like Coma all their lives. This is terrifying to liberals as your ignorance is how they continue to stay in power and do the damages they have done and will continue.

The former first lady established the voter registration and engagement organization “When We All Vote” in 2018, and pushed her 22 million followers on X to visit the group’s website. “Get yourself registered to vote, and then text three friends to do the same,” she said. “Do not sit on the sidelines this year, because this is a critical moment for all of us.”

During a January interview on Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast, Obama put out another over-the-top call to action, claiming she was “terrified about what could possibly happen” like more people going to find out how her and her husband are behind all these Trump cases and are the ones running the government with Biden as their mentally weak sock puppet... This election that will likely feature a rematch between Trump and President Joe Biden again terrifies them all. “Because our leaders matter,” she said and once again she's right this is why we the "PEOPLE" are turning away from the left and going towards to supporting Trump for president. Because our leaders matter" and Joe Biden is a disaster.

“Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit it affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.” Yeah a President who's a MAN And is an Alpha Male results in respect, power and strength on a global scale something we don't currently have with Creepy "PEDO PETE" as his kids call him cause he likes to touch kids, and well his own daughter said that Joe would molest her in the shower as a kid growing up. Remember this was on her diary and this was CONFIRMED as FACT... This is not me or a conspiracy. This is well known and JOE had the FBI raid illegally the "Project Veritas" office to bring it back to them and sweep under the rug. This happened folks and this is who the Obama duo and the left are pushing to continue in office. A Rapist, Pedophile, father of a crackhead who is a racist and wrote crime bills in the 80's and 90's targeting minorities. Has been using racist language all his life including saying black kids are roaches, and going as far as saying black men who use drugs should be locked up so they don't attack his mother or kids with a baseball bat. This was in congress... 

In March, Obama’s office confirmed again that she “will not be running for president,” as many had speculated she would amid disturbingly low poll numbers for Biden. This is a good thing because if she ran it would make it harder to fight her in debates as she is more clear minded, can follow their script better than dementia JOE! But she being of color can also say "RACIST" as anything or "MiSOGYNIST" because he's now a woman. Or whatever Joan River once said about Mike... Err Michelle. But Mich here continued by saying that “As former first lady (thats not the punchline.. wait for it!) Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, director of communications for Obama’s office, told NBC News at the time. 

She said that “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign,” she added. But that hasn’t stopped some from speculating that the former first lady will eventually enter the race. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, predicted in September that “the Democrat kingmakers [will] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama” at the Democratic convention in August. Trump has been polling better with blacks and Hispanics for about over a year now. According to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports in April, the prospective GOP nominee took a double-digit lead over Biden among likely Hispanic voters, as Black and Asian Americans also appear to be shifting more towards the Republican Party. Overall, Trump is leading Biden 49-41 percent, which is the same as the pollster’s survey of likely voters last month, the Washington Examiner reported.

The outlet added: But this time, Rasmussen highlighted the gap in Hispanic voters that favors Trump. The pollster said Latinos back Trump over Biden, 48%-37%. That is a significant change from 2020, when Hispanics backed Biden 59%-38%, according to Pew statistics. In 2020, Biden also won Asian voters, and that margin has shifted. In 2020 he won Asians by a margin of 72%-28%, Pew said. Rasmussen now shows Trump leading 39%-36%. In the last election, Biden also did well with black voters, 92%-8%. Rasmussen showed Biden’s lead cut to 48%-39%. Democrats are concerned about the huge shift from 2020 as they need a big minority advantage to win, although those gaps are expected to turn in Biden’s favor as the election nears, the Examiner added. In addition, Trump is polling better among self-described Independents. “Trump benefits from both stronger partisan intensity and a double-digit advantage among independent voters,” the Rasmussen analysis noted. “In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump gets 83% of Republican votes, compared to Biden’s 74% among Democrats.

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