CA rep is fed up! ‘I’m done with us’

A state once known for a lot of good things has become a state full of weirdo's and pedophiles and well it's practically a misdemeanor
 in California state! The TRUMP trial and his possible sentence by these crazy leftists will probably land him in more legal problems over a false made up charge over the left rigging the election! But in California for years they have had the abuse of kids swept under the rug and mostly helped by the radicals left like Nasty Nancy Pelosi! And Governor NEWSCUM have not helped stopped the pedophiles or the sex trafficking of minors in the state. They have just helped made it easier for them sickos to do what they do. Finally one senator if fed up and now what was fighting for the safty of the kids! This current fight is against throwing pedophiles into prison for longer than they're getting now while she blasted progressive members of her own party for trying to water down the new law. 

Remember that during elections folks! Ask why is anyone arguing for them to get off light? You hurt a child you should be locked up forever. The same people trying to lock up Donald Trump over fabricated and made up charges to cover for Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden are the same ones who want the pedophilia and wars with a possible WWIII

Sen. Susan Eggman, who reps part of San Joaquin County just outside San Francisco, gave the fiery speech on the Senate floor last Thursday when lawmakers were weighing legislation that would make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex in the Golden State. “I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done,” said Eggman, 63. “I don’t want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don’t want more people in prison, but I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. I’m tired of saying it’s okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.”

Under California law, buying or soliciting sex from a child is a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of between two days and a year in jail and a $10,000 fine. Bill 1414 which was authored by GOP state Sen. Shannon Grove and supported by Eggman aims to beef up that penalty to at least two to four years in prison, as well as a sex offender registration. “I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to say, ‘Enough, enough,'” Eggman said last week as the issue returned to the Senate. “We have given away enough on this area and we’ve got to move back into the center or we all look like fools and laughingstocks.”

“A lot of these kids can be throwaway kids. They’re poor kids, they’re kids of color, but they shouldn’t have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age and have the Democratic Party of California say, ‘It’s okay,'” she continued. Last month, some Democrats had watered down the bill to only allow the felony classification for the purchase of minors under the age of 16, KCRA reported at the time. “It’s not okay. And I’m not doing it anymore. And I hope none of you do too. We have to be able to draw a line.” The bill, for which Gov. Gavin Newsom signaled support, passed 36-0 and is headed to the state Assembly.

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